A Trapinhos participou pela 1ª vez no Mercado do Souto que se realiza em Braga todos os 2ºs sábados de cada mês. Os trapinhos gostaram tanto que fizeram das suas durante todo o dia!
Bem, já era previsto pois no dia anterior as sapinhas andavam num rebuliço para ficarem catitas. Todas foram de pulseirinha e ganchinho na cabeça.
Trapinhos went to Mercado do Souto for the first time. This Market is held at Braga every 2nd saturday each month. Little rags (trapinhos) liked it so much that they played all day long.
Well, it was expected since the day before they were in a stress to become the market most pretty little frog. They all went with little bracelets and flowers in their heads.
Os sapinhos andavam a pedir beijos a torto e a direito.
Little male frogs were asking for a kiss all day long.
Até cambalhotas davam para chamar a atenção das sapinhas mais bonitas.
They even tried to do some stunts to get the attention of the most beautiful little frogs.
E alguns tiveram o beijinho tão esperado!!!
And some of them were lucky!!!
Como se não bastasse, meio disto tudo as sardinhas saltaram para as árvores!
And as if this wasn't enough, the sardines jumped into the trees!
Enfim, estava tudo maluco!!!!
Well, everyone was crazy!!!